Die Cutters With foil Attachment

We also offer Die cutter with hot foil attachment to meet the demand of foil printing, these machines has exclusive features of foil timing facility with jumping arrangement, specially designed heavy duty heater with single and multiple Zones options, opening and closing dwell facility as optional and 2, 3, 4 pull option for foil units.

Standard model of machine is supplied with 2 full system but 3&4 pull models are also available as optional.


Standard Features

  • 2 pull motorized foil attachment
  • Digital timer for foil pulling with jumping capacity
  • Heating plate with holes & thread single, dual & multiple heating zones options.

Technical Data

Product Code SHF 29 SHF 35 SHF40 SHF 43
Platen Size
(in mm)
23″ x 29″

583 x 735 mm

25″ x 35″

635 x 890 mm

28″ x 40″

710 x 1015 mm

31″ x 43″

787 x 1092 mm

Inside Chase 20″ x 26″ 22″ x 32″ 25″ x 37″ 28 ” x 40″
Heating Area 18″ x 23″ 18″ x 23″ 19″ x 25″ 20″ x 30″
Out put / Hour 2000 1800 1600 1500
Pressure Exerted
(in ton)
165 190 250 275
Power (HP) 3 3 5 7.5
Floor Space 60″ x 45″ 60″ x 50″ 65″ x 55″ 65″ x 55″
Product Code SHF 46 SHF 54 SHF 66
Platen Size
( in mm )
36″ x 46″

900 x 1165 mm

41″ x 54″

1040 x 1370 mm

46″ x 66″

1170 x 1675 mm

Inside Chase 32″ x 42″ 37″ x 50″ 42″ x 62″
Heating Area 20″ x 30″ 20″ x 30″ 20″ x 30″
Out put / Hour 1500 1200 1000
Pressure Exerted
( in ton )
290 330 375
Power ( HP ) 7.5 7.5 10
Floor Space 70″ x 60″ 75″ x 70″ 85″ x 80″

Heating area of bigger & smaller sizes also available on request.